Hacker Island

Oh my god. I swear I will never ever listen to people if they say I wouldn’t need my laptop during travel.

So now I am in Bulgaria and have found a cool place: a small island near Burgas and there is an international workshop camp going on: Net User 3 Conference on a small Alcatraz-style island called Bolshevik. It’s just plain beautiful.

I am using another girl’s mac laptop now and I am happy to be able to have at least 50% of my setup running. I am not sure how much I can blog about this but it’s a cool event and I hope I can summarize a bit later on.

I think I found the place on Google Maps: it’s here.


Hanging ‚round in the world without your laptop can be fun. But having no clue what your passwords are because you forgot to print your keychain can be real horror. If you want to get in touch with me you better use SMS until I’m back.